Community Service
Inland Empire Giving Back
Community Service Spotlight
Sunny, Rosalie, and Barbara
Angel Gowns

Member: 25 years
Angel Gowns Project Coordinator
Neighborhood Groups Coordinator
Sit 'N Sew, 12 Months Challenge Neighborhood Groups
Member: 13 years
Angel Gowns Special Assistant
Sit 'N Sew Neighborhood Group
Member: 25 years
Sit 'N Sew Neighborhood Group Leader
Featured in the American Sewing Guild email,
March 31 2023, Chapter News:
“Inland Empire chapter members have been busy at their recent Sit 'N Sew meetings sewing not just for themselves, but also making items to donate. A quilt was made for the Veteran's Hospital, while Angel Gowns are in process, along with other baby items. And we also hear of a special shoutout to Sunny for bringing brownies. Yay, Sunny! May every chapter have a Sunny in their midst!"
Angel Gowns are beautiful custom-made baby gowns that are given to families who have lost a baby and are used for final photos and burial services. The Angel Gown Program was started by the national NICU Helping Hand's organization to support grieving families. The gowns are gifts of love that honor dear babies and their families.
ASGIE members are actively involved in our Chapter's program and have donated many Angel Gowns to the Riverside Community Hospital over the years.
Early gowns were made from member's stashes. Now Rosalie tirelessly shops consignment and thrift stores to find beautiful bridal and quinceanera gowns.
To create Angel Gown kits, Sunny deconstructs the gowns by carefully picking out the seams, washes the fabric, uses a pattern to cut the fabric, and adds pretty trims and instructions.
NG Leader Barbara's Sit 'N Sew meetings regularly feature the Angel Gown project during which more fabrics are cut, kits are distributed,
and members lovingly sew the Angel Gowns.
For more information about joining the project,
contact NG Coordinator Sunny or NG Leader Barbara*
Click Here to learn more about the national NICU Helping Hand's Angel Gown Program.
Use "Contact Us" to request more information